One of the best air scrubbing solutions on the market

The multi-vortex scrubber is very customizable. Its design allows the manufacturing of 2,100 – 25,000 cfm gas cleaning system for the removal of a wide variety of pollutants. Redwood Technology team can easily calculate and define multi-vortex wet air scrubber requirements for a given capacity, after which your custom multi-vortex scrubber is designed and manufactured to fit the space where it needs to be installed.

It is also possible to insert a multi-vortex wet air scrubber system inside the existing scrubber body.

Multi-vortex wet air scrubbers wash dust, flue gases, and vapors from a gas stream.


Liquid input overpressure

0 psi

Input air temperature

+41 ÷ +482 °F

+5   ÷ +250 °C

Max. contaminant size

5 mm

Dust treatment quality


Liquid to gas ratio

0.03 ÷ 1.36 gal/1000cf

Pressure drop

0.3 ÷ 0.5 psi

There are two different types of the multi-vortex wet air scrubber design based on the same technology:

A stand alone system called “AIR UMBRELLA” can be installed over belt conveyors at the feed or discharge or over any dusty air areas including welding and surface treatment worklaces, spray booth, etc. The compact design is equipped with a polluted air supply fan with a capacity of 3000 cfm.

The chamber of a multi-vortex wet air scrubber has to be connected to client’s pressurized gas/air vents. This system can be configured flexibly for the capacity from 10 000 to 100 000 cfm. Several chambers of this type can be seamlessly combined to achieve an even bigger capacity.

The multi-vortex wet air scrubber technology is protected by US and International patents.

There is a large number of wet air scrubbers, which can be classified according to various criteria. The scrubber design is often based on composite engineering solutions. According to the generally accepted classification, wet air scrubbers can be divided into the following groups:

● Spray-Tower scrubbers

● Packed Bed scrubbers

● Tray Tower scrubbers or Foam scrubbers

● Centrifugal scrubbers, Cyclonic Spray scrubbers, and Centrifugal-bubbling devices

● Venturi scrubbers

Each of these types of wet air scrubbers or their combinations are suitable for solving specific tasks. In other words, there is no universal tool for solving gas cleaning problems: scrubbers need to be selected carefully and in accordance with the needs of customers. Multi-vortex wet air scrubbers can be classified as a subgroup in the group of Foam scrubbers.

Thoughtful design and use of the dispersive gratings in its design are the hallmarks of multi-vortex air scrubbers. The aforementioned dispersive gratings are not subject to any physical deterioration or encrustation; they create a sustainable gas-liquid layer due to the effects of stabilization.

The main advantages of multi-vortex wet air scrubber compared to others are:

Spray-Tower scrubbers

Multi-vortex scrubbers can use contaminated water or the other cleaning fluids while maintaining its fluidity. The purification process of this scrubber is based on the use of water, which contains sand or even small rocks. The stable operation of the multi-vortex scrubber is explained by the lack of need for replaceable parts (nozzles, for instance).

Packed Bed scrubbers

The technical characteristics of the multi-vortex scrubber do not affect its service life. It is possible due to the dispersive gratings, which are not subject to build up.

Tray Tower scrubbers or Foam scrubbers

The multi-vortex scrubber is not subject to any physical deterioration or encrustation. There is no need for stabilizing the foam layer of the dispersive gratings. Such scrubber works without frequent service stops to clean the plates. All this is the result of an absence of perforated foam grids.

Centrifugal scrubbers, Cyclonic Spray scrubbers, and Centrifugal-bubbling devices

Multi-vortex wet air scrubbers are able to be scaled to fit any production level without changing the characteristics. Such scrubbers guarantee stable and reliable operation.

Venturi scrubbers

Multi-vortex wet air scrubber has a decreased pressure drop and a wide range of operating modes (contact time, number of grids, and suchlike). This range allows solving a wide range of different (from dust to chemical) tasks.