New Information Concerning the Scrubbing System’s Wash Water

Open-loop scrubbing systems generate many discussions regarding the release of wash water. Most shipowners demand a scientifically grounded perspective in discussions about open-loop wet air scrubbers; consequently, they challenge the latest IMO sulfur regulation rules.

The Marine Environment Protection Committee affirms that an inquiry into the discharge from open-loop wet air scrubbing systems will be conducted. They will organize the study about the environmental effects of wash water.

All the ships have to use exhaust gas cleaning systems or wet scrubbers as air treatment devices to meet the sulfur limit requirement for air quality improvement. The MEPC addresses the issue of evaluating the environmental impact of water discharge from wet scrubbing systems and reviews and modifies regulations and guidelines regarding the release of liquid substances from wet scrubbers.

Throughout the debate meeting, many significant issues were raised regarding whether scrubber systems offer a more effective and beneficial air treatment for ships equipped with wet scrubbers or not. Shipowners face numerous new national or regional restrictions on water discharges.

This is why the primary focus regarding limiting and potentially prohibitive regulations in specific maritime zones is to assess and potentially align these limitations and guidelines on the release of wash water from wet air scrubbing systems. For example, recently Singapore’s Maritime and Port Authority claimed that wash water from open-loop wet scrubbers is toxic.

Therefore, the use of open-loop scrubbing systems is banned in its waters and all shipowners should handle toxic wash water wastes in a licensed collector or use closed wet air scrubbers. Licensed collectors that accept wash water wastes can be found at anchorage or alongside the pier.

Although there is almost no time remaining to set up scrubbing systems before the commencement of IMO 2020, a new wet scrubbing training facility has been inaugurated in China. New commissioning engineers will be trained there as well as the center offers crew training opportunities for customers.

As more scrubbing systems are installed to meet air treatment restrictions, skilled professional engineers are required to put them into service. The training wet scrubber is derived from the traditional design; however, it is not linked to an engine, does not utilize exhaust gas, but its operational principle involves using an actual flow of water.

If you are looking for the best air treatment device to improve air quality, Redwood Technology offers a cutting-edge type of wet scrubber – a Multi-Vortex wet air scrubber.

Redwood technology is a fast-growing vendor of wet air scrubbers. The multi-vortex scrubber can remove gas emissions, dust, vapors, and other pollutants from a gas stream. It is an innovative technology created to save water that makes it more cost-efficient and differs from other types of scrubbers.  If you have any questions or would like to purchase a multi-vortex wet air scrubber, please contact us at

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