Venturi Scrubbers: An Advanced Solution for Dust Control

Wet air scrubbers continue to be the primary method for capturing and collecting particulates. Venturi scrubbers successfully remove particulates from exhaust gases. This type of dust control technology is a part of the group of air pollution controls collectively referred to as “wet scrubbers”. Venturi scrubbers are also known as Venturi jet scrubbers, gas-atomizing spray scrubbers, and ejector-venturi scrubbers. Well-designed and operated wet scrubbers efficiently remove various regulated heavy metal compounds and certain acid gases using specialized air treatment systems. Scientists and engineers apply impingement trays or packed tower scrubbers for additional acid gas collection and also to subcool the gases after the removal of particulates from the gases through the use of Venturi scrubbers in their work. It minimizes the horsepower required by the induced draft fans. Venturi scrubbers have several advantages compared to other air pollution control equipment. They can handle high-temperature gas streams or gas streams that contain moisture. The size of dust control equipment is typically smaller, and Venturi wet air scrubbers have the potential to remove pollutant gases at the same time as particulates.

Venturi Scrubbers: An Advanced Solution for Dust ControlA standard Venturi scrubber is a combination of a converging section with a throat (the narrowest part of the whole tube) and a diffuser. The mixture of dust and gas flows through the tube of the Venturi scrubber and reaches top speed in the throat section. This top speed drops again when the mixture passes into the diffuser. Intensive and concerted mixing takes place in the throat section between the gas and the liquid. Due to the high speed realized by the gas and liquid water is released into fine water droplets. The collection object in a typical Venturi scrubber is a liquid drop. The diameter of a liquid drop is a complicated function of velocity, liquid rate, and fluid properties. A centrifugal fan installed upstream (forced draft) or downstream (induced draft) provides the motive force to the gas stream carrying the PM (Particulate Matter). The gas is accelerated to the throat velocity in the converging inlet. After that, the gas passes through the throat where the PM encounters the liquid drops. Venturi scrubbers have a low volume: the droplet separator determines the dimensions of the installation. This separator can be a few times larger than the scrubber.

The primary function of Venturi scrubbers is to remove fine particles from a gas stream; however, this kind of scrubber can also handle larger particles, albeit with relatively high energy consumption in those situations. However, certain types of dust cannot be separated even at very high-pressure drops. Venturi scrubbers are used to control PM emissions from utility, industrial, commercial, and institutional boilers fired with coal, oil, wood, and liquid waste. They are also used to control emission sources in the chemical, mineral products, wood, pulp and paper, rock products, and asphalt manufacturing industries. In addition, they are indispensable in lead, aluminum, iron and steel, and gray iron production industries.

Redwood Technology is a leading global manufacturer of air treatment products. Redwood Technology offers a new type of wet air scrubber entitled Multi-vortex wet air scrubber. Multi-vortex wet air scrubber is an innovative wet air scrubber that is just as efficient as any other scrubbing system but is devoid of their limitations. Multi-vortex wet air scrubber requires very little maintenance: it can function up to five years without interruption. In addition to this, Multi-vortex wet air scrubber is versatile and can be used for any air scrubbing needs.

If you are you interested in purchasing Multi-vortex wet air scrubber, please contact us at

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