Cyanide naturally occurs in nature and is found throughout nature including in fruits, nuts, plants, and insects. Cyanide is used in multiple industries where it is used safely and without harming the environment despite its toxicity. Cyanide is a useful industrial chemical, over one million tons of which are used annually in such applications as...
Category: Articles
Reducing coal dust with wet air scrubbers
Airborne coal dust is a byproduct of coal production, and it presents a danger of spontaneous explosion and a respirable dust health hazard. Coal dust consists of small particles, smaller than 75 µm in size, and can easily deposit throughout mine entries and propagate explosions that had been initially fueled by methane gas. As the...
Wet air scrubbers at livestock facilities
Intensive livestock production is connected with several environmental effects, including emissions of dust and particulate matter. The particulate matter that is emitted from animal houses consists of feather and hair fragments, skin debris, feed particles, mold spores, bacteria, fungus fragments, litter fragments, etc. The size of particulates varies between 0.005 and 100 μm in diameter....
Grain dust dangers and scrubbing solutions
Grain dust is not a harmonious collection of particles; in fact, it included different types and sizes of particles. The dust components vary depending on the type of grain that is being handled, however, grain dust typically consists of grain particles, soil particles including silica, plant material, fungi, bacteria, fertilizer and agricultural chemical residues, insect...
Sugar dust explosion prevention with wet air scrubbers
Over the past several years several sugar dust explosions have happened at sugar producing and storing facilities. One of them is an explosion that happened at the sugar silo at Perfetti Van Melle candy factory in Erlanger, Kentucky. The culprit of the explosion is estimated to be the presence of a critical amount of sugar...
Grain dust risks and dangers
Grain dust is an inevitable part of grain transportation and handling; this problem needs to be addressed with the best management practices in order to prevent safety concerns. The dust that occurs during grain handling operations typically consists of grain particles, soil particles, plant material, fungi, bacteria, fertilizer and agricultural chemical residues, insect waste, small...
Fertilizer dust collection with wet air scrubbers
Along with sugar, salt and grain fertilizers pose a threat during transportation and storage. One of the main components of modern-day fertilizers – nitrate – is also used in the manufacture of explosives. This fact should not be overlooked when dealing with fertilizer dust collection. Dust produced during the manufacturing and transportation process of many...
Grain dust explosion solutions
The presence of grain dust in the air poses a significant threat as it can cause damage to equipment, reduce its work time, and injuries to workers. Controlling grain dust is a crucial process and a challenge. The grain dust present in the air can result in an explosion as it is highly combustible; large...
Wet air scrubbers for sugar dust collection
Dust is often a major problem in a lot of different industries: coal dust from the air at loading facilities, asphalt dust during concrete production, heavy iron ore dust at iron mines, sugar dust, etc. The latter is a major nuisance for the sugar industry as it causes a substantial loss in revenue due to...
Acid gas control methods
Acid gases from power plant and boiler combustion, such as sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, pose a major threat to human health and the environment. The main ways that acid gases deposit themselves is through acid rains and dry deposition. The consequences of acid rains are devastating: the presence of dead or dying plant life...